Saturday, August 22, 2009

Email from Writer Brendan McAleer

Email from Brendan McAleer, the freelance writer and automotive enthusiast that wrote the article about the Blethering Place Classic Car Festival.

I had to email Brendan and thank him for calling my husband a lunatic. I thought it was hilarious and here is his response:

I did mean lunatic in a good way. All us car guys are lunatics, one way or another.
You can tell your husband that I was very impressed/terrified with his build, and a friend of mine saw it running at thunder in the valley. A little more traction, and you'll be into the mid-11s no problem.
Thanks for reading!

On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 9:39 PM, Janis
Carmena wrote:

Thanks so much for the article about the Oak Bay Car Show. I laughed
so hard when you called my husband a “total lunatic.” I had to add
your article to his blog about his Pantera. Here is a link to
it……again thank you. I have to agree…I kinda think he is a lunatic
also but it is his passion.

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